Baby Boomers and technology

Baby Boomers

Baby Boomers are born between 1946 and 1964. As a bookend myself born in 1964 I grew up in the age of the development of the skyrocketing technology era.

As a Boomer, who are often called digital immigrants, I embraced technology and received a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems.

Approximately 85% of Americans own a smartphone.  That’s a huge number of people who feel capable of owning these savvy pieces of equipment.  Statistics show that more and more consumers are feeling more comfortable with social media and using these devices.
By the way, Boomers are actually using them on a daily basis.

Will Baby Boomers be able to keep up with the constant change in technology?  I SAY YES!!! Baby Boomers and technology have become an upward trend for the last few years now. I teach Technology classes to Individuals, and at Assisted and Independent Living facilities and I’m amazed at the number of Boomers that use technology with ease.

Technology can be challenging, but I say, “REACH ONE TEACH ONE”! I’m Helena Richardson CEO/Web Strategist at HRichnetworks, LLC.  I have over 20 years of experience in the technology industry with a strong background in Software Development as well as Technical Support.

At HRichnetworks, we help businesses build a strong online presence so that your ideal client can find you.  Whether your company needs a mobile app, eCommerce, or SEO we have the expertise to help you get the job done.

We also provide support services such as Network and Cabling Installations, Software Installation and Upgrades, PC/Cell Phone Repair, Web and PC Security, and much more.

We go beyond the call of duty by putting ourselves in the client’s seat.  WE LOVE WHAT WE DO AND DO WHAT WE LOVE.  Our goal is to help individuals and organizations embrace this constant change in technology.

So how do you connect the dots? is the first place to stop.

We are here to help.





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